Anatomy of Devops Practitioner

July 1, 2022by Nurudeen Kamilu


Measurement is a vital ingredient for DevOps practitioners to deliver continuous business value through processes and technology for an organization as what cannot be measured cannot be improved upon. Peter Drucker won’t have been wrong when he mentioned: “What gets measured gets managed”.

Anatomy of Devops Practitioner

The IT Industry in Nigeria has not been left out of the wider adoption of the new ways of working such as Agile, Lean and Devops that is spreading like a wildfire across the globe. With the new ways of working is a crop of new sets of skills which were never in existence in our fast moving world where automation, agility and innovation has become the order of the day .
The subject of focus is geared by how attractive and prominent Devops practice has become, considering that it gives room to optimally utilize the great potentials of modern technology. At an initial point, it was not uncommon for Devops to be viewed and related mostly as a collection of tools with fascinating capabilities though it is a practice which has more to do with culture and connecting processes, products and people.

It is necessary that practitioners currently playing or desiring to play in the DevOps space inculcate an attitude that thrives within the values of DevOps summarized by the DevOps Institute as five CALMS acronyms (Culture, Automation, Lean IT, Measurement and Sharing).

In maintaining relevance in the always evolving state of constant transformation and innovation that DevOps exists, practitioners must cultivate a Culture of continuous learning, collaboration and communication. It becomes easier for processes and products to connect seamlessly to achieve business objectives and deliver value to customers when the human element of DevOps (people) is properly aligned and positioned.

Sharing of ideas and skills help to form IT teams that are high-performing and poised in delivering better software (product) and customer satisfaction more often.

Measurement is a vital ingredient for DevOps practitioners to deliver continuous business value through processes and technology for an organization as what cannot be measured cannot be improved upon. Peter Drucker won’t have been wrong when he mentioned: “What gets measured gets managed”.

Lastly, Automation can provide speed and the right avenue to achieve Lean IT which centers on how well waste can be optimally reduced. Devops practitioners could hardly survive without the toolchains that enable automation and fast recovery that Devops affords.

What is DevOps? – Netmind Best Practice

Nurudeen Kamilu

Copyright by DevOps as a Service Nigeria. All rights reserved.

Copyright by DevOps as a Service Nigeria. All rights reserved.