DevOps! The buzzword and what it isn’t!


Another myth about DevOps is that it is a tool or a product. DevOps is not a tool or a technology that can be purchased. Conversations about DevOps are mostly centered on the tools used by the company.

DevOps! The buzzword and what it isn’t!

The world is fast evolving and the use of technology in the modern era cannot be overemphasized. It is no news that the tech industry is growing rapidly day by day and new IT tools are being introduced to people regularly. It is not unusual to hear buzzword being thrown around without knowing what it means. Among these buzzwords is ‘DevOps’, a name that is being mentioned regularly by technicians.

DevOps is more than a buzzword that a lot of people struggle to define. DevOps unblocked a combination of development and operations to increase efficiency, speed and security of software development and delivery. DevOps, a word coined from development and operations, is a software development strategy which bridges the gap between developers and IT staff. It is also a culture that inclines towards growth, communication and fast response, transforming the work environment into a much more productive one. Sometimes, people think DevOps is about writing code and being responsible for the work of a system engineer.

A very common misconception about DevOps is it being similar to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). The turn about this is that continuous integration and delivery are key components of DevOps. DevOps emphasizes the need for everyone in the team to take part in each other’s tasks. This improved communication and collaboration in the team, while CI/CD enables culture with software and tools that emphasize attraction.

Another myth about DevOps is that it is a tool or a product. DevOps is not a tool or a technology that can be purchased. Conversations about DevOps are mostly centered on the tools used by the company. It is a methodology that integrates development, operations, QA – quality assurance and security teams into a cross-functional team to seamlessly collaborate and work in software development projects. After all these are in place, the right tools for the process are considered.

Lastly, DevOps is not cloud-based. Oftentimes, people believe that DevOps is always deployed in the cloud and some perks use the term ‘cloud’ interchangeably with DevOps. Though DevOps brings dynamic infrastructure resources into the picture, it does not always require a cloud infrastructure. DevOps works with dynamic tests and deploying code.

Oluwaseun Oyetoyimbo

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Copyright by DevOps as a Service Nigeria. All rights reserved.